Isn’t it amazing, how the main draw of this beautiful island is…


There is hardly any romance in walking around Corregidor Island. It is 73% depression and 27% also depression.

On this rock The Philippines fell to the Japanese. World War II. Major lapse in heaven’s supervision, I’m afraid.

Damn, my heart. So many lives ruined and lost. And for what? A cathedral of death?

Well congratulations, Satan. Over 100 years on and Corregidor Island still reeks of hell.

Where are The Avengers when you need them?

43 thoughts on “AND THEN THERE WERE NONE

    1. i do not doubt it. the air in corregidor is heavy, like the weight of the war still hangs around it. the south part has a beach area though. i only did a day tour, maybe next time i can explore the beach and more of the island.

      Liked by 2 people

  1. Omg…. i dont know what to say. I saw the pics first before i read the post…. what a stark contrast… i can totally relate to the depressed sense of being you felt in such an amazing place… same thing happened to me in Dubai.. I was depresses being in those supernova malls… all reaked of blood and sweat of cheap labourers inhumanely treated….ah well. Hope you are over the ordeal

    Liked by 1 person

    1. thanks, ramadan has started right, how are you going? it was a surprise to me, how i felt about corregidor. i knew its history but to be there and see the ruins and remains is heartbreaking. aha yes, amazing what money can do.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. I’ve never been anywhere with that heaviness in the air. I wonder how that really feels like. Is it only because of its history or is it because the whole island gives you the creeps?

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I see. It’s probably the same feeling I get when I read on Sachsenhausen, which apparently is worse.

        Obviously, I’ve never been to Corregidor, but I don’t think I’ve heard anyone say they felt the same way, except of course those who went there for ghost hunting. Thanks for sharing your experience!


  3. Thanks for visiting Corregidor. It is a sacred place for Americans.

    I served in the US 1st Cavalry overseas eight years ago.

    1st Cav was the first American unit to land for the liberation of the Phillipines in WWII.

    Some of us raised money for Tacloban after the Hurricane a few years ago.

    The Phillipines is a big part of our history and the Filipino people are always in our hearts.

    Peace be the Botendaddy


  4. It seems so unfair that so many had to sacrifice their lives for freedom. But what of the war mongers who still thirst for blood? A different face but the same thirst for blood. Poignant pictures. Each is an essay unto itself.


    1. i know what you mean, heartbreaking. oh thanks, at least this is something i enjoyed, taking the photos. but i only saw a small portion of the island. a lot more in its heart. not sure if i want to come back to see it though.


    1. it is eerie. gorgeous and lush island but there is no joy. the war has stained it permanently and has clung to it after all these years. great to hear from you btw. at one point i thought you abandoned your blog! welcome back!

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