At 20 ft., the cliff jumping point in Tangadan Falls in San Gabriel, La Union is the highest I have ever dropped in. So far. Last summer I did a 10 ft. one in glorious Bagac, Bataan. I was more scared of that one. First time jitters.

Of course, 20 ft. is still serious but no drama. I find I do not mind falling. It is easy. Just stand on the edge and take the fall. To hell I must go. No matter what happens you will hit the water. Eventually

There is a higher drop at 40 ft., at the top of the actual falls. However, I did not judge it safe to jump. Crowds swimming below, plus there are rafts.

I was not sure how to clear it in my mind. Hard to take the fall without conviction so maybe next time.

Actually, forget it. The trek to Tangadan Falls is hardly fun when your legs barely support you upright.  

It is an hour forwards and another hour backwards. Lots of climbing and balancing. Mix of mud, water, forest, and rocks. A lifetime’s worth of rocks.

If I did not come from death camp, no complaints. BUT I FUCKING DID.

So if you are going to Tangadan Falls, make sure you take the jump. Maximum effort.

Do not be a pussy. You did not walk all that damned Scorch Trial way for fucking nothing.


        1. cebu? i have not gone south of the island but i should definitely get to it. maybe i will trek kawasan too! tangadan is only 2 hours, which is reasonable, but like i said, i came from death camp so my legs were cursing in 32 different languages.

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    1. cliff jumping? yes, i kind of like it, particularly when there is a long queue of hesitating people. they are more likely to kill themselves acting like that because heights like that are serious. have you ever done it? next time i will go for the 40 ft!

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      1. TBT… iam scared of heights. But I have this crazy desire to go bunjee jumping or even cliff jumping or sky diving. Im sure if i get the opportunity I would probably be like those hesitant people u mentioned at first and then just take the plunge!


    1. that is a cool story. did your parents traveled together after meeting each other? many thanks! as much as traveling is life-affirming, it is also self-revealing. can’t tell you how many times i rolled eyes at myself while on the road.


      1. Ha ha, so true. I think traveling together reveals a lot about relationships also. My parents traveled some after marriage, but children and life often got in the way, lol.


        1. your parents are cool. you probably inherited their wanderlust? yes, this is why i think traveling with people is dangerous. after your trip you may not like each other anymore! hilarious. but when you really like your companion, traveling is the best thing thing in the world. even solo trips.

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  1. Love this, what a beautiful place! Cliff jumping is awesome, btw, so happy you got the courage to jump and enjoyed it! I’d definitely suggest wearing shoes if you jump from higher than 20ft! Making contact with water from that height can hurt! Especially if you slap the water with your hand, ouch! haha. There’s a place that I used to go often where jumpers would run off a high rock and have to clear about 5-7 feet of ledge before they were out over the water, and some people front and back flip from that spot – INSANE.


    1. yes, it is very cool. my friend got her legs badly bruised. she did not know how to do to it right apparently. funny, but am sure it hurt her.


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