My relationship with food has always been defined by these… 
However, lately, my obsession with heavenly fruit has taken over my diet.

It is the maddest fruit frenzy, I shit you not.

 Now imagine how hot I would be, if I continue to eat right and train muay thai like I am about to throw my limbs…

I am not going to do it, but just imagine.


      1. Actually I’m not quite sure what fruits are in season this month here in PH. I just look around the grocery store and pick my favs – apples, lemons, oranges, mangos and banana. πŸ™‚

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  1. You are already hot! Lol! Balance it out have some healthy stuff and throw in a treat. People say we are allowed 1 cheat/treat in a while… i make every meal a small treat… Love those cakes man!


        1. what do you normally have and avoid when training? i give in to my cravings. sometimes i crave good food, sometimes i crave treats. when i am going hard at training, usually i am not hungry. too unalive.

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            1. good on you. i think salt is my biggest problem, more than sweets. are you a big cake eater or more on doughnuts and chocolate? i probably should eat more greens too. but i am doing a lot better than before. yesterday i went food shopping and almost felt vegetarian at checkout. it was funny.


  2. LOL! We just bought a juicer on Amazon 2 nights ago. My game plan is when I can’t drink another damn green smoothie, I can juice fruits. Then, when I can’t possibly choke down another juice drink, I will be ready for smoothies. It’s all about outsmarting yourself. I’ll let you know if my strategy works.


      1. I love pretty food! Yeah, I only just learned of smoothie bowls, that’ll be my next craze. My 72 year old neighbor gave me an awesome recipe for granola. I am waiting to go to Costco when I have an extra 100 bucks to spend on good nuts. It’ll be worth it!


      1. Here in Netherlands we have a lot of strawberries and loads of apples. In Sweden where I originally come from there is tons of berries just to pick fresh from the forest. I do miss that a lot.


        1. we don’t grow apples here but we have strawberries, expensive though! aha, yes i have seen it on tv. not really a strong foraging culture here. food comes from the market and mostly that’s it.

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